2022 Missouri Makeover Adult Contestants

Jared Wilson and his entry Wilbur were the reserve champions in the Adult division. Jared, who is from Kentucky, is pictured above competing in the trail course and the freestyle event.

Ethan Saffer (from Kansas) and Journey were the third place winners in the Adult division

Rodrigo Melgar (from Guatemala and currently living in Texas) was fourth place in the Adult division with his entry Ruby. Rodrigo is a also a PBR rider

Josh Bostrom (Idaho) and Katherine were fifth place in the Adult division

Parker Brown (Kentucky) and Billy Jack were sixth place in the Adult division

Jenni Wingo (Colorado) and Birdie were seventh place in the Adult division. Jenni broke her shoulder in August and was in a sling during the competition, but still showed Birdie where she could in-hand

Cori Daniels