Christmas Treats For Your Critters!

If your house is like mine, it will be filled with lots of sweet treats from now until Christmas. Cookies, chocolate, candy...the works.

As a rule, we don't give the mules too many sweet treats. Sometimes the dog can sweep in and get the errant cookie dropped on the floor before I have a chance to pick it up, but he usually sticks to bones. But it seems like now would be a good time to spoil them a little, though, since we are all so busy spoils everyone else this time of year!

Next time you are in the kitchen, here are two recipes you can whip up to share with the critters at your house!

Hanging Horse Treats found at

Homemade Dog Cookies found at

Do you have a special recipe that your dogs, mules or donkeys love? Or do you go with the traditional peppermints? Share your special critter treats in the comments below!